Weight Warriors

Improving your health requires dedication. It is possible to make new commitments and build on your good habits.
This new program will be fun, social and very rewarding. The weekly session will include aerobics, weight training, balance movements and flexibility training.
A weekly health tip, guest speakers from our Health Education Team, and trivia will be included in each class.
The program will begin with a humorous story/joke and conclude with an uplifting quote and time to ask questions.
For more information please contact Harry Verni (Regal/Lakeside Health Educator) at hverni@regalmed.com or (818) 307-6242.
We look forward to working out with you. Go Weight Warriors!
Weight Warriors Outline
• Introduction/joke
• 10 minute aerobic warmup
• 15 minutes of lower body exercises and balance movements
• Trivia
• 15 minutes of upper body exercises
• 5 minutes of stretching
• 5 minute health tip
• 10 minute uplifting quote and Q&A
Webex link: https://rlav.webex.com/rlav/j.php?MTID=m34463773fd96cdac8e100673a7ac9bd7
Starting March 6th Every Monday (except 3rd Monday) of the month from 12:00 p.m. – 12:30 p.m.